Benefits Of Eating Sweets

Everybody in this whole world has a cravings for sweets. When we eat sweets, the mesolimbic dopamine system gets activated. Which is the reward system of the brain. Neurons release a brain chemical called dopamine which helps a person to act positively. Sweets act as an excellent source of energy, hence sweet foods give pleasure. We should have quick dessert ideas if you want to make them at home. Most of the people get  cravings more especially when they are stressed, hungry or too tired after long hard work.

To make these deserts soon we should have quick dessert recipes. Say no to these sweets is in itself a very tough job. Especially during festivals or in some parties we crave for something sweet. But when we are at home during the weekend or Sundays we crave for something sweet. To make this sweet at home we need a perfect dessert recipe.

The various easy dessert recipes have made it very easy to make these desserts. The sweets that are eaten after the meals are called deserts. Desserts are happiness boosters. Recipes of desserts such as sweet foods like cakes, ice cream, cookies, pudding are very easy. These are the best desserts and its recipes are the best dessert recipes. Recipes of sweet foods like sweet soups, pies, pastries, biscuits, custards are also desserts that can be eaten after lunch or dinner or simple snacks. There are desert recipes from different places. Most of the people add fresh fruits in the desserts.

Different Types Of Desserts Recipe

These are the quick dessert ideas. Here are some desserts that can be made with 4 ingredients.

1) Ice cream

2) Pudding

3) Custard

4) Cakes

5) Cookies

Recipes of these desserts are very simple and made with 4 ingredients.


1) Ice cream

Recipe of ice cream is best dessert recipe. Easy dessert recipes like ice cream can be made with 4 ingredients.




*Dry Fruit

To make ice cream firstly, we should take half litre milk in a pan. Heat the milk till one boil. Then add sugar and stir well. Take half glass of water and add 2 teaspoon of corn flour and mix well. Then add the corn flour paste to the milk and sugar mixture and stir well. Keep on stirring till the whole mixture becomes a thick paste. Then take a designed bowl and for the thick paste and sprinkle the cut dry fruits upon that. Now keep it in the refrigerator for about 5 hours till it becomes ice. Then take a scoop and put it on another bowl and add dry fruits upon that. Ice cream is ready to be served.

2) Pudding:

Recipe of this tasty dessert is a 4 ingredient recipe. This dessert recipe is the best dessert recipe. To make pudding we need the following ingredients.

*8 eggs

*2 cups milk


*Vanilla essence

To make this dessert firstly, we should take a Big Bowl and add 8 eggs and whisk it properly. Then add sugar, vanilla essence and two cups of milk and stir well.

Now take a cooker and put little water in the base of the cooker and put a steel ring on the water and place the bowl of egg mixture on it. Remove the ring of the lid of the cooker and close the lid. After 20 minutes open the lid and remove the bowl from the cooker. Let it cool for sometime.

Now, you can cut the pudding into several pieces and it is ready to be served. It will be tastier, if we let it chill in the fridge for sometime. As we have quick dessert ideas pudding is very easy to make and its recipes are called quick dessert recipes. These dessert recipes are very easy to make.


Custard is a quick dessert recipe. This easy dessert recipe is made by using custard powder. This is a four ingredient dessert.

*Custard powder

*1 l milk

*Fresh fruits


To make custard we should firstly take a utensil and pour 1 l milk in it. Then boil the milk and add sugar and stir well. Then, take a small bowl and add little custard powder and mix well until it becomes a paste. Now, slowly add the mixture and mix well in the milk and mix well till it becomes a thick yellow paste. Let the custard cool.. Cut different types of fresh fruits into pieces and mix it in the custard paste. Now the custard is ready to be served. Custard can also be served with fresh fruits, dry fruits, colourful jellies etc. This dessert recipe is marvellous. We should have quick dessert ideas to make this quick dessert recipe.

4) Cakes:

This is the best dessert recipe. Cakes are a very tempting and tantalising, quick dessert recipe. This is a four ingredient easy dessert recipe.


*Icing sugar


*Baking powder

To make cakes firstly we should take maida in a bowl and icing sugar eggs and baking powder and whisk well. Then take an empty cooker and heat the cooker. Then put a little salt in the base of the cooker and put a steel ring upon it. Now place the bowl of the mixture on the steel ring. Close the lid of the cooker. In the preparation of the cake we should not put a whistle on the lid of the cooker. Now after 20 minutes check whether the cake is baked properly. We should check it by pricking a small stick into the cake.

If the stick comes out easily then the cake is ready. Now cut the cake into pieces and it is ready to be served. This is the recipe for a plain cake. Still further, if you want you can add whipped cream on the cakes to make it a pastry.


This is the best dessert recipe. We should have quick dessert ideas to make this cookies. This is a 4 ingredient recipe.

*wheat flour


*Dry fruits


To make these cookies firstly, we should take wheat flour and add sugar, cut dry fruits and little oil and knead well till it becomes a thick dough.

Now, make 4 parts of the dough. Then make chapatis of these four parts and cut into diamond shape. Now remove these pieces and bake them in the oven. Then remove them from the oven and the cookies are ready to be served. These are the dry fruit cookies.


Desserts are heart winners. They have special characteristics to win a heart and make it happy. But the way to the heart is through the stomach. And desserts are the best ways, as these are tastier and delectable.Hence, I have brought you the recipes of different types of desserts. As the desserts make the mind move in the right direction, the direction towards happiness and the direction towards success.

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