Benefits of Road trips

Have you been feeling exhausted, overworked, and stressed about life, love, and your job? Maybe you’ve been thinking about checking yourself into a mental health facility, but you don’t have the strength to do so! Whether you’re fizzling out or not, a good old dose of what’s known as a “Road Trip” is never a bad idea – especially with those you consider your closest friends!

Yes, that trip that allows you to escape the monotony of daily life and give you some much-needed R&R. (caution: Rest may be limited due to your preferences of having fun).

However, taking a road trip allows you to see more, experience more, and appreciate more.

In an age where everything from our meals to our time with family and friends is planned, this is probably one of the most spontaneous things to do.

Make room for the spunk known as spontaneity by going on a road trip with friends, especially if they are as crazy as mine!

Neither finances nor transportation are an issue. “Where there is a will, there is a way,” as the saying goes.

If you are open to it, you will discover creative ways to have the best time possible while not spending too much money.

Stop allowing your fears and inhibitions to control every aspect of your life and decide to go on that road trip and have some fun!

Do you still need convincing? Here are five compelling reasons why you should take that road trip:

1. Possibility to Let Go

As previously stated, you have the opportunity to get away from all of the stressful factors in your life and take a breath of fresh air – and the best part is that you get to do so with friends.

You have the chance to stop the life that is passing you by and actually live it.

Time will become your friend rather than your enemy if you are not consumed by hours and deadlines – this is the key to bringing you the healing you may require.


2. Road trip possesses a possibility of Seeing More of Your Country

Take a breather and realise you are in a world filled with spectacular beauty and wonder.

We frequently become engrossed in the problems of our lives, the problems of the world, and yes, the problems that often hit us much harder with the fear of the future for our children, our country.

We will, however, find the worst in situations if we are constantly looking for it. When my music choices (cough-cough, any rock fans out there?) were being criticised, my father told me, “If you look for the Devil in something, you will find him.”

If I only leave you with one thought today, let it be this:

Do not allow fear and negativity to rule your mind and emotions. This will hold you back in all aspects of life, and no one appreciates the pessimistic person known as the “Party-Pooper.”

Let us stop ignoring the beauty and exciting experiences that our own country has to offer and embrace it with an open heart and mind, arms stretched out and running through the fields of flowers like the cliché of a love boy and girl eagerly awaiting each other.

We have too many unexplored roads, undiscovered oceans, unexplored forests, and undiscovered people.

That brings me to my third point:


3. Possibility of Meeting New People

Nothing beats a town’s locals for adding a new flavour and adventure to our lives.

From showing you around your destination to assisting you with new skills such as hiking, paddle-boarding, surfing, and many others, all of which broaden your horizons and literally transform you into a new person.

You should also consider all of the other exotic travellers you will meet, both from within and outside your country.

It is in them that you see new places, new cultures, and new ways of doing things, which is very important for personal growth and understanding, which is something we all need a little more of in today’s world.

These new friends will not only let you leave your mark on them, but they will also leave their mark on you, making you want to stay longer than you had planned.


4. Possibility of Creating Memorable Moments

One thing is certain: You will make memories, and there will be plenty of them.

Whether you chose something as peaceful and relaxing as a wine tasting (which in my case would just turn into one big party – what can I say, we love our wine) or something a little more daring, such as a quick skinny dip in the ocean.

Whatever you choose to do, the memories you create will last a lifetime, will carry you through all of life’s ups and downs, will bring a smile to your face when you return to the mundane, and will inspire you to be spontaneous in your planning of the next Road Trip.

How can there not be another?

Nothing is too big or too small for this trip; the things you do will end up bringing you a warm feeling of fondness.

The best part is, if your friends are anything like mine, there will be no judgement, just lots of laughter and opportunities for inside jokes and “remember when you (insert verb).”

These memories will also be something you can tell your children one day – take note, I said one day – some of us will have to wait until they are no longer in the R rated phase and are a little older and wiser.

On a more serious note, these are the moments that matter, that colour your life and make you think, “You know what, I am lucky.”

I have a wonderful life, and I get to spend it with wonderful people.”

This brings me to my fifth and final reason:


5. You Are Honored for Your Life

Yes, you will travel to new places, meet new people, and learn new skills.

Yes, you get to make memories that will last a lifetime with friends that will last a lifetime – but that’s not all: you get to chase the sunrises and sunsets that are a gift of everyday life.

Do you recall the last time a new location’s artistic sunrise or sunset silenced your mind?

When was the last time you took a deep, uninhibited breath of fresh air?

Those Heavenly artworks that take your breath away will give you a new appreciation for everything this life has and continues to offer.

It will calm you down and show you what truly matters in this world, providing you with a new sense of purpose, a vibrant vision, and a passionately heart-pounding purpose.

This is your life’s playlist – one with no stops, no pauses, no rewinds, and no fast-forwards (despite how often it feels like it) – we should make it epic!

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