Healthy Marriage Advices

All of us at One Love are committed to spreading awareness about what makes a relationship healthy or harmful. An unhealthy relationship doesn’t feel wonderful and can occasionally make you unhappy, while a healthy one feels fantastic and lifts you up. While we dedicate a lot of time to explaining why some actions are not loving (thus the hashtag), we also aim to demonstrate what loving interactions look like.

1. Expression/Communication showcases a Healthy Marriage.

The phrase “communication is vital” is so overused that you’ve probably already heard it. However, the point is that there is truth to the cliché. One of the most crucial elements of every happy relationship is open lines of communication. Being able to openly discuss your hopes and expectations for the relationship is crucial from the outset. Sometimes this requires frank discussions, but in a good relationship, both partners are open and receptive to the other’s perspectives (and you should do the same). Sharing your concerns, working through your differences, and praising and admiring one another are all key ways to ensure that you and your spouse are on the same page. It’s crucial that you converse to one another, but you should feel relaxed while deciding how often to do so. It’s unhealthy for a relationship if one person expects constant access to the other by phone or text message and the other person isn’t interested in that. On the other hand, it’s not healthy if your partner consistently ignores your texts and this brings you down. It’s crucial that you and your partner find a happy medium in terms of how much and how often you share information.


It is the right of every person to have a happy, fulfilling relationship, and everyone is capable of finding such a connection with the proper partner. Here are the five pillars of a happy relationship you need to have if you want to be that pair everyone looks up to on Instagram.

2. Honor

One of the best ways to demonstrate consideration for your partner is to listen to them (actively, not just passively) and make an effort to comprehend what they’re going through. Respect your partner’s preferences and decisions, even if they differ from yours on contentious issues like who should be president or whether Kimye or Taylor should be married. Don’t try to convince them otherwise about things like studying abroad for a semester or where they want to settle down after graduation; these are decisions that are deeply personal to them. The hallmark of a happy couple is their mutual regard for one another. Your partnership can thrive despite your differences of opinion; neither of you has to give in to the other’s viewpoint. One of the most important ways to earn your partner’s respect is to respect their space and personal limits. You have no right to be kept abreast of your partner’s whereabouts or social activities. Respecting your partner also entails thinking about how your actions might affect them emotionally and avoiding any actions that could do them harm, such as maintaining secrets that are meant to be between the two of you. Knowing each other’s Snapchat passwords and receiving the pink heart emoji next to one another’s names isn’t indicative of a strong relationship. Even if it’s wonderful that you share similar interests, remember that healthy relationships necessitate distance and discretion.

3. Limits

There are certain limits to what can make a person happy, at ease, secure, etc. One of the signs of a good relationship is when each partner feels safe enough to express their limits and trusts that they will be respected (and vice versa for your partner). Keep your Monday Funday night with the biffles if that’s what you want; if you only want to hang together three times a week, that’s OK; if you want to wait before becoming personal, that’s absolutely cool; whatever makes you happy. Setting limits in a relationship is healthy, and you shouldn’t be afraid to do so. Also, reevaluate your friendship or romantic relationship if you feel like your companion is trying to exert undue control over you by setting unreasonable restrictions, such as forbidding you from spending time with your pals or demanding access to your digital accounts.

4. Trust

Consider this a major development. Trusting one another completely and unguardedly is a necessary ingredient in any healthy relationship. In a healthy relationship, your partner will trust you entirely despite any past hurts, such as an unfaithful ex or a parent’s divorce. It’s important to keep in mind that trust in a relationship isn’t something that happens overnight, and that when your spouse does choose to trust you with their emotions, you should treat them with respect and never betray that trust. It’s wrong to cheat on them or do anything that could cause jealousy on their part. On the other hand, you shouldn’t stay with someone you don’t trust. DON’T let your partner’s lack of trust or their previous experiences be an excuse for them to exert control over you, question your motives, or make you feel like you have to prove yourself to them. Trust in your relationship will grow stronger as you consistently show affection, support, respect, and communicate with one another.

5. Backing

Having a spouse who always has your back is one of the nicest parts of being in a healthy relationship. In a good partnership, both partners are respectful of one another and willing to defend the other when necessary. Your partner will never attempt to control you emotionally or physically or to demean you. They will look out for you, but they won’t be too possessive. They will urge you to maintain friendships and family ties, as well as pursue your own interests and ambitions outside of the partnership. Partners who truly care about and are invested in your success will never stand in your way. If you’re in a healthy relationship, you won’t feel like you have to change who you are or give up a lot to keep things going.

That which is unhealthy!

An unhealthy relationship is predicated on dominance and disrespect rather than love and acceptance. An important warning sign that your partner is trying to exert control over you is if you feel this way; you should seek professional assistance if this is the case. In order for your relationship to be abusive, your spouse does not need to hurt you physically. It’s not good enough if your relationship is wonderful the most of the time yet unhealthy on sometimes. There is never an excuse for abusive behaviour, and everyone has the right to be in a happy relationship. Abusive behaviour is never acceptable, regardless of whether one or both partners have a history of mental illness, cheating, or other difficulties within or outside of the current relationship. It’s also important to remember that your partner isn’t malleable. Don’t wait for your abusive spouse to change before you get help if you’re in one.

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